Thursday, December 6, 2007
hey guys watsup! last blog before the deadline and before we know it, EAP will be over! so lets take a minute to go back in time and think of how we felt about coming to the program. i dont about you guys but when i first heard that i was going to attend the EAP program, i felt sad and angry. since i was born, i knew how to speak English. i even learnt English before my native language which of course, in my house, created some problems. I even went ahead to attend elementary and high school were English is their first language and to make us speak English is there first priority. After my high school, i still took computer lessons which also involved English. All i did was based on English and i was really sad when i found out i was taking the EAP program, but as time went, i found out some things that i never knew and the way scott and sandi handle was fantastic! apart from the time, i loved every lesson they have taught us. and the best part of it all are the friends i made. the class was so free and small that everything scott taught us were easily understood. scott also taught us to speak up if anyone feels he/she does not understand what he is saying or he/she disagrees with what scott is saying. i really enjoyed the program and really sorry it had to end so quickly but like people say "the world is small" we will definitely come across each other but until then, hope you guys succeed in everything and merry christmas and happy new year!
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
hey guys watsup! two more days before finals and it is over! i mean how is that!. before you guys decide to leave, there is something i want to share with you guys. it is called CHRISTMAS! it is the most joyful part of my life. i will first tell you guys how we celebrate christmas in my hometown and then how i am going to celebrate it this year. first, we celebrate our christmas in my hometown by visiting my village to see distant relatives we havent seen for a whole year. second, we talk about our ups and downs and pray that the new year will be better than the last in terms of jobs, foods, academics and life itself. during this period of christmas, there are a lot of of food and drinks to celebrate with. my dad buys a cow and a goat every christmas, so does my uncle and leave them to the women to cook. during those period, i meet and play with my friends and cousins that i havent seen in a long time. so thats it about chrismas in my hometown but i will not be joining them this christmas because i have to apply and attend an interview for a study permit in the united states of America. But it is okay because i also get to spend christmas with my aunt and her lovely kids, one of which is just 4 years old. ok, i think i have covered every thing on my kind of christmas, hope you guys have fun and MERRY CHRISTMAS to you all!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
hey guys watsup! how was the weekend? hope you guys enjoyed ur weekend? well guys, looks like the EAP is coming to an end. just two more weeks before the exams but you guys cannot leave without me telling you guys about my sister. we are four in my family; my mum, my dad, my sister and i. my sister is the youngest and sometimes the most stubborn girl i have ever seen. she is two years younger than than me, five feet tall and thin. she is very unique and brilliant and most of the time i go to her for her because my mum always say that knowledge has no age which means that you can learn from anyone. she can be very lively and fun to play with because she likes pranks just like i. she can also be moody and when she is that way, trust me! you don not want to get on her bad side. sometimes we fight and sometimes we play together and that is what makes us siblings. she likes to read a lot of novels which i consider to be really annoying because the nov els are all about romance. she also likes to write stories and novels which i love to read not because they are about romance but because she has some really good ideas in writing them. her last hobby( and i made her do this because there were no other boys) is soccer. she never liked soccer because it was rough and dangerous according to her but i made her play because i am the only boy at home and after sometime she began to like it very much. i have been in calgary for 4 months and i am already missing my sister even though we talk a lot. well, thats all about my sister, have fun reading and stay safe
Thursday, November 15, 2007
hey guys, watsup! how was your 4-day break? mine was fine because i spent the whole time hanging out with friends, paying vidoe games (X box; halo 2) and watching movies. i want to tell you guys what my hoobies are, what i would love to do if i had the time freedom and money. my hobbies are basically watching movies, playing games, listening to music and running. watching movies is one of my favourites because it helps to reduce the stress in a day's work or to reduce the anger or sadness e.g watching a soap opera can reduce the stress in one's body and watching comedies can also reduce the sadness or anger in you by making you laugh. another hobby of mine is playing games. it could be trivial or video games. i love games i have no reason for loving games. listening to music is another part of my hobbies and i like it because it helps in relaxing the brain and i also use it when solving equations in mathematics. i like all kinds of music; rap, rock, pop, classic and jazz. the last hobby of mine is running and i love running because it makes me feel fast and good. now, i will tell you what i would love to do if i had the time, money and freedom. firstly, i would like to travel round the world and learn new cultures, new languges and make new friends. i have always had this desire in my head and would want to do it. secondly, i would love to learn different types of martial arts just for fun and also to be able to defend myself. its been fun sharing my thoughts with you and i hope you tell what you guys would want to do if you had everything. be cool and stay you!
Thursday, November 1, 2007
my high school
hey guys, watsup! how was your weekend?, mine was boring but with the help of book reports and essays i was able to find something to do. i said i would tell you how my mid term was, right? ok, i did well in writing but scott said i could do better and my listening and speaking was at the c level but i havent seen my reading and i hope to get and A on that. now, to my tale about my high school life in Nigeria. After my primary school (elementary school, according to U.S), i started my high school or secondary school according to my country. it was difficult at first but with time i began to cope. my high school was a boarding school and it was far away from my city, so we had to struggle and manage our supplies and food. of course it was impossible to refuse a senior whenever he ask for your supplies, but we (my friends and i) still manage to avoid them by all means neccesary. you maybe wondering why we can't just say no and thats because the seniors will punish us. though, the school was hard, my friends and i still got to go on adventures. for instance, we would seek out of the dorm on saturdays and go to an orchard farm far far away from the school. we would climb and plug fruits like pears, oranges, cashew and so on, and if we were spotted, we would run like thugs in order to save ourselves. i enjoyed my stay in high school up to the last year when we hard to be serious with our studies. i also miss my friends and my best moments all come from my high school. thats all i have to say about my school. Have a pleasant weekend and i will try to come up with another story for you guys. Be cool and stay you!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007

hey everyone, how was the weekend?... the weekend was cool for me plus i said let you guys know how i did in my mid term. it is not yet out but i am sure that i will pass. i want to tell everyone about the sports i like the most and i do not know if they are extreme sports or not. the best sports for me are track and field, and soccer. when i say track and field, i mean running. i am a sprinter which means i run short distance such as 100m, 200m, and relay. i love running because it involves speed and in this case, determines your speed. it as risks like strains, muscle pull, which happens to me all the time, and in rare cases, fracture. however, this risks do not stop me from running because i have been running since i was 8 years old. my second sport is soccer. i love soccer because it has every tactics in it, dribbling, running, throwing, passing and scoring. it is the most famous and the richest game alive and that is a fact! i cannot explain feeling i derive from the game but it is the most interesting game i have played. this sport also has some risks such as strain, fracture, or sprain but it still doesnt stop me from playing the game. these are my favourite sports and i love playing them anytime, anyday. hope you guys love my sports and just in case you write a comment, i would like to ask you a question. what are your best sports and what do you think about my sports? thanks for reading my blog in advance and i will be sure to let you guys know how my mid-terms turned out.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
last week was fun but there were times i felt kind of sick but everything went well. this week, on the other hand, is scary because i have a mid term on writing and i have no idea on how to study for it. life in rez is cool because you get to meet new friends,and have lots of fun. i love calgary even though it is very quiet around, and i do not know much about it but i am such there are some places that would be interesting to go to. thats all about me for now, i will definitely tell you guys how my writing, reading and listening and speaking mid term went and will also tell you guys a story. have a wonderful weekend and try to say no to drugs, you will not regret it!
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